Back in May of 2023, Google tested quick checkout buttons on shopping listings for Shopify users. This feature was only available when using the Google Shopping & YouTube app.
Now, Google has officially launched the new attribute named checkout_link_template.
What does it do?
The checkout link template allows merchants to direct consumers directly to the checkout with the product attached to the cart.
Where does it show?
The quick checkout button is available only on free listings as of writing. Initially, it was called Quick Checkout. However, testing today, it seems Buy Now is used.
Google does say they will keep the original visit product landing page functionality, when clicking on the image, title, or store name.
Which Countries Are Supported?
As with every new feature, this is only available in the US as of writing.
How do you create a checkout link template?
If you are not going to use the Google Shopping and YouTube app, you can create the link manually, albeit a bit more complicated.
For example, let’s assume we are still using Shopify, but you are using a different app.
Here is an explainer how to link is compiled https://{domain}/cart/{variant ID}:{quantity}
How to create a checkout link will be different for other eCommerce platforms, so it is best to check the documentation or contact support.
- {domain} this is the domain name such as
- {variant ID} this is the product variant id
- {quanitty} how many items to add to the checkout
Landing page requirements
In the checkout you are required to add the following
- Your Branding: such as a logo at the top
- Product information: such as the image, title + variant details, quantity, and price
- Price: make sure you clearly show the cost breakdown (price, discount, tax, shipping)
- Product Disclosures: if you have any product warnings, this needs to be listed.
Another Method
There is also another method you can use to create the checkout links, by going to business information > checkout.