Fix Missing sub-attribute country (sub-attribute of [shipping]) Google Merchant Center

Having a sub-attribute of a shipping error can drive you crazy if you have looked everywhere and you think you have done everything correct. There are two areas you can submit shipping prices, these are your data feed and the Google Merchant Center UI.

The shipping error mostly comes from merchants implementing shipping settings in the UI, and incorrectly in the data feed.

Below is a list of the most common and possible issues, you may encounter. And also a step by step guide on how to resolve this issue.

Google Merchant Center Next

Incorrect Data Feed Values

In some cases you may have indeed submitted a shipping price value, but incorrectly. For example you have submitted $0.00 instead of 0.00 USD

More info on the correct shipping attribute values:

To check your data go to Products > All products

Google Merchant Center Next All Products

Click on your products > advanced details > shipping

Google Merchant Center Next Product Shipping Details

Solution Feed Issue

If you want to keep your Google Merchant Center UI shipping settings, then what we need to do is clear the feed-defined shipping settings.

Make sure to enable advanced managment here:

  1. Go to Google Merchant Center Next
  2. Cog Icon
  3. Data Sources
  4. Click on your feed (located under the primary feed)
  5. Attribute Rules (tab)
  6. Click on the add attribute rule
  7. Begin typing Shipping and select the attribute shipping
Add Google Merchant Center Next Shipping Attribute
  1. Cancel edit sources
  2. Click on add modifications
  3. Check that clear is selected
  4. Save
  5. Save as Draft
Google Merchant Center Next Cancel Edit Source - Add Modification
Google Merchant Center Next - Clear Shipping Attribute
  1. Click on save draft again

Or you could add the missing country sub-attribute by adding the following rule.

  1. Edit Source
  2. Set to
  3. From the drop down choose sub-attributes
  4. In the country sub-attribute add the value for example US
  5. Click on OK
  6. Click on Save as Draft
  7. Click on save draft again
Google Merchant Center Next - Add Sub Attribute Shipping Country

Google Merchant Center Classic

Incorrect Data Feed Values

In some cases you may have indeed submitted a shipping price value, but incorrectly. For example you have submitted $0.00 instead of 0.00 USD

More info on the correct shipping attribute values:

Google Merchant Center Shipping Values

Solution Feed Issue

If you want to keep your Google Merchant Center UI shipping settings, then what we need to do is clear the feed-defined shipping settings.

  1. Go to Google Merchant Center
  2. Products
  3. Feeds
  4. Click on your feed
  5. Feed Rules (tab)
  6. Click on the plus button
  7. Begin typing Shipping and select the attribute shipping
Google Merchant Center Create Shipping Feed Rules
  1. Cancel data sources
  2. Click on add modifications
  3. Save
  4. Save as Draft
Google Merchant Center Create Shipping Feed Rules2
  1. Click on save draft again
  2. Now the feed needs to be reprocessed

Or you could add the missing country sub-attribute by adding the following rule.

  1. Data Source
  2. Set to
  3. From the drop down choose sub-attributes
  4. In the country sub-attribute add the value US
  5. Click on OK
  6. Click on Save as Draft
  7. Click on save draft again
  8. Now the feed needs to be reprocessed
Google Merchant Center Add Missing Sub Attribute Country

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1 year ago

Hey Emmanuel Flossie,

I am your Fan now.. Thanks for this help much appreciated man. I am loving you.. 🙂

2 years ago

Hello Emmanuel:

Great information! What you are describing seems to be my problem but I’m not sure. I initially used Shopify’s Google Channel app with settings set to automatic import shipping setting to merchant center. I got 12% of the products saying “Missing sub-attribute [country (sub-attribute of [shipping])]”. I asked google help, and they told me to set it to manual. Which I did, but I am still getting the same 12% of products having the issue. I then went to check the “Raw Feed attrubtes” and notices that only the 12% dissaproved products have shipping price info “$0.00”, the approved products don’t have shipping price information at all. Is this something I can fix with your solution? thanks!

Santi Flamini
2 years ago

Please help!

For Shipping attribute how do I format free shipping for all countries?

Currently I only understand how to format for single country:

UK::Standard Free Shipping:0 GBP

2 years ago

Worked perfectly, including on the digital gift cards that weren’t approved. Thank you 🙂

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