How To Fix Invalid Real Number Unit Pricing Measure in Google Merchant Center

How To Fix Invalid Real Number Unit Pricing Measure in Google Merchant Center

As of the last week of November 2023, Google has been sending out a lot of warnings related to invalid real number [unit pricing measure] or [unit pricing base measure].
It seems to me this is the data feed that is (Shopify Google & Youtube app), for some reason, submitting strange data, regardless of the reason for the issues. I will explain how to fix it.

How To Fix?

Google Merchant Center Classic

  1. Go to Google Merchant Center
  2. Products
  3. Feeds
  4. Click on your feed
  5. Select feed rules
  6. Click on the blue plus sign
Google Merchant Center Fix Unit Price Measure
  1. Begin typing unit, then choose unit pricing measure
Google Merchant Center Unit Price Measure
  1. Cancel the data source
  2. Click on add modification
  3. Click on advanced operators
Unit Pricing Measure Modification
  1. Select Clear
Clear Google Merchant Center Value
  1. Click on ok
  2. Save as draft
  3. Repeat the above steps for unit pricing base measure
  4. Apply your edits
  5. Reprocess your feed

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Franz Lamers
1 year ago

Hi I am Franz from I have the problem Invalid Unit Pricing Measure In Google Merchant Center and need to Fix, My question as I am not a developer, Do I need to do step “16 Reprocess Your Feed” Or can you recommend someone that fix this issue, I had over 300 products with warning but have removed most of them by switching off Google on the products. However I do need some of these products to be advertised.

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