
Google Shopping Ad Group Promotions Retires in September 2015

Google Shopping Ad Group Promotions Retires in September 2015

At the end of September 2015 the Promotion field for Ad Groups will retire and will be replaced by an automated system. To continue with adding custom promotions you will need to start using Google Merchant Promotions. Google Adwords has done a test and compared the CTR between Adwords Promotions and Automated Promotions and have concluded that the

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Google Shopping Category Update

Google AdWords: Shopping campaigns affected by Google product categories update

By now you might have received an email from Google informing you that certain categories needs to be updated. If you currently have products match the categories below, you will need to update your current data feed. I recommend you update them as soon as possible. The deadline is 15 September 2015 Here is the new Taxonomy

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