Google Merchant Center has recently introduced a new metric called “click potential.” Based on past traffic metrics and provided product details, this metric allows businesses to see how well their products perform compared to their other products. By providing this new insight, Google aims to help merchants optimize their product listings and improve their overall visibility on Google’s shopping platforms. Although the launch of this new metric has been quiet, it provides businesses with a valuable tool to help them better understand their product performance and make data-driven decisions to improve their performance.
A product’s click potential is based on past traffic metrics and provided product details

At first glance, the “click potential” metric may seem insignificant. However, the metric’s real value lies in the second part of the sentence – product details.
As shown in the image below, even if a product receives a higher number of clicks, if the product details are of low quality or incomplete, it gets a medium click potential compared to the one with a high click potential. This highlights the importance of providing accurate and detailed product information when listing products on Google’s shopping platforms.

There are several levels of click potential:
Potential to receive a higher numbe rof clicks compared to your other products.
Potential to receive a modera number of clicks compared to your other products.
Potential to receive a low number of clicks compared to your other products.
Available Soon
There is not enough data yet to show click potential. Usually appears on new listings.
To make the most of Google’s new “click potential” metric, merchants should prepare themselves by fully optimizing their product data feed details. This means ensuring that all product attributes are added and up-to-date. In addition, a common request from merchants is a complete Google Shopping audit, which can help them identify any missing elements and better understand their performance on the platform.
I am associated with House of party and major of our products in google merchant center shows low click potential, my question is how we can improve click potential? I want to shift my product’s click potential from low to medium/high
1) By improving the data feed quality which can be done when following the requirements and recommendations:
2) By improving the performance in Google Ads (bids > clicks and impressions)