How To Subdivide Products in Google Shopping Campaigns

How To Subdivide Products in Google Shopping Campaigns?

It is very common that you would want to subdivide products into different ad groups, asset listings or campaigns. In this article I will explain how to accomplish this for both standard shopping and performance max. I will provide a guide assuming you have already setup a campaign.

Standard Shopping

  1. Go to Google Ads abd click on your Campaign
  2. Select your campaign
  3. Select your ad group
  4. Hover over All products, and a plus icon will appear
Subdivide Standard Shopping Campaigns

A popup will appear allowing you to first choose the subdivide option, such as category, brand, item id, condition, product type, custom labels etc.

Google Ads choose your subdivide

Once you have created your first subdivision level, you can create further subdivision using other division types and add all the individual products by selecting item id.

Performance Max

  1. Go to Google Ads
  2. Select your performance max campaign
  3. Click on asset group
  4. Click on the listing groups within the asset group you want to subdivide
Google Ads Performance Max, Choose Listing Groups

Now you can hover over all products and choose your subdivision option, such as category, brand, custom labels.

Google Ads choose your subdivide


  • The more granular you go, the more control you have, but it also becomes more complex to manage.
  • Make sure to regularly review the performance of your subdivisions to optimize bids accordingly.
  • You can also use custom labels if the existing attributes don’t meet your needs.

Want to know how to create custom labels for your data feed?

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