You Can Now Target All Countries In One Google Ads Shopping Campaign

You Can Now Target All Countries In One Google Ads Shopping Campaign

This is an exciting change. Before the change, when setting up a Google Shopping campaign, you could only set up 1 country per campaign. Now you can target all feed countries within 1 country.

Existing Campaigns

For existing standard shopping campaigns and performance max campaigns, you can change the settings to target all feeds or to choose a feed label. By going to the campaign > settings > feeds.

Google Ads Feed Settings For Shopping Ads

New Campaigns

After you choose the standard shopping campaign, you can now choose feed labels or country of sale.

New Shopping Campaign Settings For Target Countries

Is This Useful?

Depending on your strategies, this option is now available if you like to target all countries with one campaign, which could be helpful for small businesses. However, although this might help with cutting down on maintenance, for big companies, I don’t see this as useful, considering most countries have different performance results, requiring different settings and actions. Also, most businesses assign different budgets per country.

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